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New! Join FREE Solopreneur Monetization Network Are you satisfied with how much your online
July 26, 2016

FREE Solopreneur Monetization Network

Are you satisfied with how much your online business is earning? If you're anything like me, the answer is a resounding NO, and I encourage you to keep reading. I have found an interesting solution for you. It's called Trafeze. It's a lot like UBER. Think about all those automobiles that weren't being monetized. They are like the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of solopreneur content sites and blogs that monetize passively (Adsense and affiliate programs). These solopreneurs, who prefer not to go "active" and keep things simple, complain of lower and lower pay, rule changes about what they can do with their sites, etc.

Now consider taxi passengers. In most cities, taxis are basically a monopoly, which comes with poor service and high prices (just try to catch a cab in NYC at 5pm!). The passengers are similar to the product sellers who have to buy ads at Google, for example, going through a big learning curve and over- paying for ads. It's also not lost on solopreneurs that Google is paying less for ads while charging more.

When you have a situation like this, where the status quo is poor, the time is right for something new to come along and disrupt it.

Trafeze does what Uber does. It puts one group of people together with the other, and it does so on the exact corner (niche) that you specify. And then it goes much further. It steps back, charges absolutely nothing and you can customize any type of promotion that you can think of. That really opens the door for high ROIs!

They call themselves the "Uber of Monetization." I prefer the term "the monetization network that is of, by and for solopreneurs.". That's exactly what it is.

It's completely free to join and use. All you do is create your free listing that provides your website's address and information. You can also provide your social network profiles, creating a complete picture of your online presence. Then, simply check the kinds of promotion that you are willing to offer to "Traffic Buyers" (aka "Product Sellers"). Examples...

• Ad Placement

• Site Sponsorship

• Hello Bar

• Lead Generation

• Email Marketing

• Social Media Marketing

• Joint Venture

• Partnership

One thing to note... Since the goal is to "get to deal" quickly with high ROI deals, your site has to be up to snuff with enough traffic. But even if you miss on your first try, their algorithm rescans regularly. How do you get found? Simple! You can each look for the other by entering a niche keyword into the search tool. No time wasted... If you sell a product and are searching for a great site to promote or perhaps sell your product (cut your own deal!), you know all the sites that are found will have good-to-incredible traffic and that each will be about the niche that your product is in. And, on the other hand, if you have high but under-monetized traffic (Amazon affiliate? Google ads?), you're in for a treat. You start 30%+ ahead (no cut to pay Google). And higher ROI types of promotion should pay you more than simple ads (it's covered in the help). Just contact the owner and get 'er done. Trafeze even supplies clean step-by-step help for getting to deal and (for things like joint ventures), simple agreements. It's all about "getting business done." You are under NO obligation to accept a deal, of course. If it sounds like it will work for you, then you strike a deal! If not, you pass and move on. It's that simple. You are, naturally, expected to act honorably and efficiently. You're playing in a rather select playground now. So there is going to be a rating system - stars and reviews. Trafeze focuses on not just being the ONLY system of its kind, but the best no matter how many competitors chase them later on. Nor is there a limit to the number of deals you can do (except your own business sense). Another business owner might see the kind of traffic you're getting, and the topics you're writing about, and think it would be a great fit for her product. Having multiple ways to promote affords you more room for multiple clients! Super-high value product. No fees, no commissions. And think about this - there are more solopreneurs than any other type of online business. So... This is a "level the playing field" type of product that wants to unite solopreneurs and enable us to play to our strengths. That's a lot better than the "take it or leave it" arrangements with giants who make all the rules (well, technically, their $1,000/hour lawyers write the rules ;-) ). Trafeze is currently growing its database of high-traffic sites, so it's a great time to apply. At some point when they have more than enough of a critical mass, I'd guess that the traffic requirements are going to go up, up, up.

NOTE: Traffic Buyers (aka "Product Sellers") can also register their interest, asking to be contacted as soon as the network is ready to provide a solid experience. I've created a listing for my business, and I am comfortable suggesting that you do, too, for three reasons... It is free and it takes 10 minutes - so I am not putting you at risk. We all know that any startup is risky, but this is an experienced team with one of those rare, once in a decade business concepts.

The upside is terrific for both passive and active monetizers in several ways - financial, regaining control, and stability through diversification (multiple sources of income vs over-reliance on 1 or 2 major providers).

I would REALLY like to get your impressions. Please share in the comments. It'll be a while before they reach "critical mass" and go into beta with the Traffic Buyers, but I've got a strong feeling that the wait will be more than worth it. What do you think?

Go to to sign up. See you there!

All the best,

Knut Olav

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